Going Down and Stuck Up

Admittedly, it has been a while since the last post here … sorry. Much has occured as Kat’s Journey is coming close to 1 year (April 29th). Once again, both OT and PT has been suspended as a few special factors are in place. Seemingly, the 2nd round of Botox treatments have had little effect on Kathy’s arm and hand. Her leg, though is seeing improvement. Because there is a maximum insurance payout for Therapies … the therapists felt it better not to use it up too soon or until the hand showed less tone. Also, a cast was taken of her leg and a new brace with a hinge was made to improve the drop foot she has been experiencing. There is a marked improvement in her walk with the brace. She didn’t wear it today, though as she had welts due to rubbing around the calf when she walked a long distance the day before. So let’s examine the progress so far (or since the last post):

1. On March 11th she had the 2nd Botox treatment. We saw little improvement with her hand but some improvement in the knee, hamstring and foot.

2. On a Friday (about 3 weeks ago in late March), Mike came home from work and noticed the basement light was on and the door open (something that bugs Mike for reasons we won’t get into). He figuered one of the boys did it so he went to close the door and kill the light. What he found though was a shock >>> KAT AT THE BOTTOM OF THE STAIRS (count: 13 steps!)! Mike asked, “What are YOU doing down there?” and Kat replied, “This is my 2nd time down here!” Up to this point she had only walked up and down a few stairs (like our entry steps which is three). Since then, she’s been GOING DOWN the cellar quite a bit, to do laundry and investigate items down there!

3. The ice in the roadways has finally disappeared so she is walking more often outdoors especially to pick up Brent after he gets off the bus. Some of the muddy areas have been a challenge, but she is doing so well!

4. Kathy has been doing much better with putting on here jackets and zipped sweat shirt. Many times Mike will go help her and sees she’s done it by herself already!

5. On Monday, April 21st, Kat returned for her 6 week check up with Dr. Cohen the neurologist who administers the botox. He decided to leave her leg as it was and concentrate on her arm and hand. So she got STUCK UP in a number of spots on her arm. By the way, For the first time Kat walked to and from the parking area instead of being left off at the entry doorway at the hospital. It was with this long walk that her leg received the welts.

Most likely our next post will be on the anniversary of Kat’s stroke as we relect on 1 year. So stayed tuned … the journey goes on!

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